Why do students love online games?

College students often balance a wide variety of responsibilities, and many need to work to afford their education. Most students report that one of the main benefits of online learning is that it allows them to continue working while completing their courses. Many students enrolled in online classes find it easier to keep their jobs when classes are taught online, especially if classes are taught asynchronously. As long as they deliver classes within the established deadlines, working students can adapt their homework to their work schedules, something much more difficult when classes are in person.

The number of online programs at the University of Minnesota continues to increase year over year, allowing online students to take advantage of the wide range of classes available. Many students report that they feel less intimidated when it comes to contacting their instructors in a virtual environment. University students reported three positive effects of online gaming: meeting the need for personal growth, meeting the requirements of social life, and promoting academic achievement. They have found that they can pursue an online education while balancing their personal responsibilities and their professional obligations, which can make the idea of earning a degree much less intimidating.

By increasing accessibility and reducing costs, online learning has ushered in a new era for students. Use this animated music video from Common Sense Media to talk with your child about the dangers of oversharing online. In addition, it creates an ideal space for the whole family where they can live positive online experiences together. The interviewers were led by two students in their final year of undergraduate studies who had acquired knowledge of psychology, interpersonal communication and qualitative research through relevant training before carrying out this study.

As mentioned before, previous studies have examined several positive aspects of online gaming, but the studies are based on foreign cultural contexts. University students can explore multiple identities by experimenting with multiple avatars or changing the appearance of avatars, thus creating a virtual self-image that is sometimes compensatory and even restorative. Research subjects from different cultural backgrounds may have different perceptions and influences on online gaming, so it's culturally important to study the positive influence of online gaming on Chinese university students. Semi-structured, exhaustive and individual interviews were conducted with an intentional sample of 20 university students playing the online game “Glory of Kings” from six universities.

You'll still have the opportunity to develop lasting relationships with your classmates through online learning. More strategies are needed to maximize the positive impact of online gaming on college students and help them grow in a healthy way.

Kayleigh Smith
Kayleigh Smith

Web lover. General bacon maven. Hipster-friendly web fan. Lifelong tv guru. Alcohol evangelist. Freelance travel ninja.

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